No passive end time message, it is an active wake-up call encouraging all of His people to “flee from the midst of her”.
This book was born out of a longing that the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ be prepared for His return. God’s Kingdom shall indeed come, yet not before Babylon has fallen.
The restoration of Israel, the Kingdom of God and His New Creation are extensively addressed in this book, as are subjects including: the development of the antichrist within the church; the woman, bearing the name Babylon, who is drunk on blood and her destruction by fire. All the blood of the Jewish people and of genuine believers that has been spilled by Babylon shall be avenged.
In Revelation 18:4 Jesus exhorted believers to get out of Babylon “lest you receive of her plagues”. “Flee from Babylon” seeks to shake everyone out of their sleep, it is a call to remain alert and watchful: The Kingdom of God is at hand… Flee from the midst of Babylon!
No passive end time message, it is an active wake-up call encouraging all of His people to “flee from the midst of her”.
God’s plan of restoration and salvation, in which Israel plays a central role, and the glorious future that awaits us, all of this is comprehensively examined in this book.
About the author
Wim Verwoerd (1959) resides in the Netherlands. He wrote ‘Flee from Babylon’ because of his love for Jesus and his desire to share what God has revealed in His Word concerning the time in which we live. The book is the result of years of research concerning the Bible and the history of the church and the Jews.
Wim is married to Ria and they have four children. Wim is a pastor in a congregation in Nieuw-Lekkerland and president of foundation Roechama, which provides assistance to Jewish people in Ukraine.
More about Wim Verwoerd:
God gaat het Westen oordelen (Interview CIP)
Zonder kennis verleden begrijpen we Gods toorn niet (Interview CIP)
Geschreven om wakker te schudden (Interview De Klaroen)

Index book
Preface to the English edition
Translator’s Note to the English Edition
1. Run for your life
2. Yearning for the Kingdom
3. The antichrist that must first disappear
4. The two beasts in Revelation
5. The woman drunk on the blood
6. Mystery, the great Babylon
7. Times and laws change
8. Let Jerusalem arise in your heart
9. Worthy to escape
10. Jesus returns, the new day dawns
11. Epilogue
Appendix I
Appendix II
Quotes from readers
A well-balanced treatment of the subject based upon the interpretive principle whereby Scripture is compared with other related Scripture; thorough source material, including valuable ‘older’ sources that have been dusted off and can now shine forth once more as they should.
I feel myself especially blessed by having read this book. I was shocked, yet on the other hand I am very thankful for the revelation and confirmation it brought.
I read the book through all at once. The approach taken by the author is particularly straightforward.
We really had the impression that this book had to be written with an eye to the times in which we now live.